Mike Doan Mike Doan

Common Info note

Create a common info note to help you blaze through filling out forms and applications.

Filling out an application is a right of passage into adulthood. As a kid, you never had to fill out an application; your parents did that for you. All the significant events in life require an application: college application, loan application for your car, mortgage application, job application, and the list goes on and on.

To fill out an application, you need to dig around for information. Some information is easy to get (e.g., a driver's license number), and some information requires serious digging (e.g., old home or work address—who keeps that stuff handy?) Keeping this stuff straight for yourself is challenging, but adding a spouse or kids to the mix increases the challenge—you need to know their information too!

One year I got fed up with digging around for information every time I needed to fill out a form, so I created a straightforward solution. I made a note called "Common Info" in my iOS Notes app and started noticing the type of information requested on different applications. When I was completing an application with the bit of requested information, I would also copy it into my Common Info note. The next time I had to complete an application, I pulled up the note and used it for reference. If the application asked for information that was not in my Common Info note, I would find the info, add it to the application, and add it to the note. Over the years, I compiled a note full of answers to commonly asked questions on applications.

Now, when I fill out an application, I open the note and can be assured that I can complete nearly 99% of an application using the Common Info note for reference. I no longer have to dig around for information.

My Common Info note started life in an iOS Note app, and recently, I transferred the information to a note file in 1Password because it contains sensitive information. If you create a common info note in the Notes app (or any other notes app), make sure you password-protect the note.

To get you started, here's my template in Markdown, so if you paste it into a Markdown-enabled notes app, it will be formatted nicely. I've also bulleted information you can include and italicized tips.


## Medical Insurance

*List all your medical, dental, and vision insurance. This could be provided by one health insurance company or multiple.*

## Medical Groups

*List the medical group you belong to (e.g. your primary care doctor)*

## Birth dates and times

*List the birth dates and times for your children*


*List at least emergency contacts: one related, and one note related to you*

## Emergency Contact Name

- Address

- Phone numbers

- Relationship to you


## Work Addresses

*List your current work address and prior work addresses for yourself and your spouse.*

## Home Addresses

*List your current home address and prior address*


## Driver's Licenses

*List your driver's license. Add your spouse and kids too!*

## Social Security Numbers

*List the social security numbers for yourself, spouse, and kids*


*List all your vehicles, including spouse and children*

## Model (e.g. Honda Accord 2022)

- License plate:

- VIN:

- Color:


*List relevant membership information. For example, I list my AAA membership in case I need the information for travel discounts or need quick access to roadside assistance numbers*


*List the school info your kids. This section isn't really for yourself. I find it rare that I have to list my high school or college information for myself on an application.*

## Child's Name

- School ID number

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