The calendar is an inventory of time.
You have less time than you think to accomplish all you want to achieve.
Your calendar lists your most scarce, non-renewable inventory of time. Your most important tasks, appointments, and relationships should use that inventory first. Everyone and everything else is secondary, and this inventory is smaller than you think.
Assume that you will live 83 years. You'll lose about 22 years during your formative years, from being an infant to graduating college. Those 22 years don't belong to you because what you needed to do was dictated to you.
After graduating from college, you are "free" to do what you please, so you have 61 years to accomplish your goals if you don't sleep. Let's assume you sleep 8 hours daily; that's another 20 years of sleep.
That's it! You have only 41 years to achieve all you want to achieve. Forty-one years sounds like a long time, but it isn't. You need to convert the years into some other unit of measurement like 41 summers, birthdays, vacations, Christmas, and New Year's Eve.